
1- Production
1.1 The chain of production
Production of goods and services to satisfy human wants
and needs.
Process of production from primary through secondary to
tertiary production showing how value increases at each stage of production.
1.2 Extractive, manufacturing and
construction industries and tertiary
Meaning of these types of industries with examples
1.3 Specialisation and division of labour
Meaning and use of the terms specialisation and division of
Forms of specialisation: by country, by region, by town, by
firm, by factory, by individual.
Process of exchange of goods and services.
1.5 Trade
Nature, purposes and importance of trade, both at home
and overseas.
Banking and finance, communications, advertising,
transport, warehousing, insurance.
1.7 The relationship between industry, commerce and direct services
Ways in which industry, commerce and direct services are
inter-related and interdependent.
2- Retail Trade
2.1 Role of the retailer in the chain of distribution
Services of the retailer as the middleman between
manufacturer and consumer, responses to changes in customer requirements and expectations.
2.2 Types of retailer
Types: large and small (hypermarkets, supermarkets, multiples, specialty shops, unit/independent retailers); their characteristics; advantages and disadvantages.
2.3 Selling techniques, trends in retailing and the implications of e-commerce
E.g. branding, packaging, self-service, after-sales service, bar-coding, EPOS, shopping centres, loyalty cards, implications of e-commerce on retailing.
2.4 Home shopping
Mail order, telesales, television shopping, online shopping (e-tailing). Characteristics and reasons for the use of each.
2.5 Large scale retailing
Advantages and disadvantages of large scale retailing; effects on wholesalers, other retailers and consumers. Reasons for the survival of the small scale retailer, e.g. personal service, opening hours, additional services.

3- Consumer Credit
3.1 Use of credit

Concept of credit. Increased use of credit.
Advantages and disadvantages of credit to the buyer and the seller.
3.2 Types of credit
(i) Hire Purchase: main features; advantages and disadvantages; finance of Hire Purchase; comparison with Extended Credit (see 15.1).
(ii) Extended Credit (Deferred Payments): main features;
advantages and disadvantages.
(iii) Store Cards: main features; advantages and disadvantages.
(iv) Credit Cards: main features; advantages and disadvantages (see 13.2).
(v) Informal Credit.
Suitability of methods of credit in certain
circumstances with reasons for choice.
4- Consumer Protection
4.1 Safeguarding the consumer
Reasons for consumer protection.
4.2 Methods of safeguarding the consumer
E.g. laws, organisations, codes of practice, other means.
(A detailed knowledge of specific legislation is not required.)
5- Wholesale Trade
5.1 The role of the wholesaler in the chain of distribution

Different patterns of distribution. Trends in wholesaling:
forces making for the elimination and the survival of the
independent wholesaler. (See also 11 Warehousing.)
5.2 Functions and services of the wholesaler
Services provided for the manufacturer, retailer, consumer.
5.3 Intermediaries
Role of merchants and agents (including brokers and factors). Forwarding agents (freight forwarders). 
6- Documents Of Trade
6.1 Documents of home trade
Main documents used in home trade: enquiry, quotation,
catalogue, price list, order, invoice, advice and delivery notes, credit notes, statement of account, receipt. Key information and purposes of these documents.
6.2 Terms of payment
Cash and trade discounts, mark-up.