
  1. Kinds of Nouns  
  2. Singular and Plural Nouns 
  3. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
    Nouns are naming words for people, animals, places, things, and qualities. They can be recognised by the articles - the, a, an - that we place in front of them.

    Nouns can be divided into proper nouns and common nouns. The names of particular people, animals, places and things are called proper nouns. We begin a proper noun with a capital letter. Nouns that do not refer to particular persons,  animals, places and things are called common nouns. The first letter of a common noun is not capitalized unless it is the first word in a sentence.

    There are other kinds of nouns. A word that stands for a group of things is called a collective noun. Nouns can be singular or plural. When you refer to one person, animal, place, or thing, you use a singular noun. When you talk about two or more people, animals, places, or things, you want to use plural nouns.

    There are countable and uncountable nouns. Countable nouns are things that can be counted like book, car and house. Uncountable nouns cannot be counted such as milk, water, and flour.

    Other nouns are names we use to refer to quality, idea, condition, etc. that are not concrete objects, and they are known as abstract noun.

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